Sign up
If your zip code is in the working area of Kraam & Co| ACK/Zorgmaat/ De Baker Kraamzorg you can sign up now.
Please check the zip code check below to see if you are within the working area of Kraam & Co| ACK/Zorgmaat/De Baker Kraamzorg
Information about registration
You can also register by phone, this way you have the opportunity to ask some questions. If your registration for maternity care has to go through your insurance company, make sure you tell them you want to register with our organization.
After consultation with several maternity agency’s it turns out that clients register with different maternity agency’s to guarantee the desired hours of care, this brings unnecessary disturbance and shortage on the market. You can only register with one maternity agency.
We recommend you to register between the 12th and 20th week of pregnancy. You will receive a confirmation by mail or at your email address. After confirmation your registration is final. If you wish to cancel without a valid reason, we will charge you € 150,- cancellation fee.
020-6006667- available from 8.00 till 16.00
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