Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Welcome to Kraam & Co| ACK/Zorgmaat/DeBaker Kraamzorg, the nicest maternity agency in Amsterdam Amstelland, Abcoude and surroundings. We are here to support you during one of the most special and challenging times of your life: The birth of your child.

Our intaker will discuss your pregnancy, the upcoming delivery and maternity period with you in a personal conversation. You can express and discuss your wishes and expectations. It will explain the possibilities. Around week 30 of your pregnancy we will contact you to make an appointment for the intake interview. With the first child, the intake interview takes place at home.
Why choose us
• We are HKZ-ISO and Baby Friendly certified.
• All our maternity nurses are KCKZ registered.
• All our maternity nurses are trained in Dunstan Baby Language
• We have our own Lactation Consultants IBCLC.
• Free ordering of bobbins, backrest, etc. incl. delivery and collection service by Medipoint

Maternity care
Every family situation is unique.
That is exactly why we offer you flexible maternity care, our maternity nurses are trained to support you in all aspects of caring for your baby and the mother’s recovery after delivery. Whether you are becoming a parent for the first time or already have experience, our maternity nurses offer you personal and professional care and advice suited for your personal situation.

Dunstan Baby Language
Kraam & Co| ACK/Zorgmaat/DeBaker Kraamzorg is the only maternity care agency in Amsterdam Amstelland and De Ronde Venen that has trained all its maternity nurses in Dustan Babytaal. Dunstan Baby Language is a method that allows you to understand and interpret the signals of your newborn baby. This allows you to respond quickly and effectively to your baby’s needs, resulting in less crying, less stress, and more rest for you and your baby.

At Kraam & Co|ACK/Zorgmaat/De Baker Kraamzorg we pay a lot of attention to breastfeeding. We have lactation consultants that may visit you during the maternity care period to support you and the maternity nurse. At the interview on admission during your pregnancy we will ask you whether you intend to breastfeed your baby or not and you will be given information on various breastfeeding organizations.
Our organization is distributor of Ardo breastfeed tools, such as the Carum breast pump. The Service outlet Breastfeeding is not only available for clients of our agency, but non-registered clients and clients from other agencies can also use our service.

Organizations and mother groups
Borstvoedingorganisatie La Leche League
Samenwerkende Borstvoedingorganisaties
Stichting Babyvoeding
Baby Friendly Nederland
Exclusive for our clients
Lactation consultant
We have our own team of lactation consultants that is available during the maternity care to give extra support with breastfeeding.
Dunstan Baby Language
Kraam & Co|ACK/ Zorgmaat De Baker Kraamzorg is the first organisation that has trained all their nurses for the Dunstan Baby Language.